The way the story was told seemed an invitation to walk as a silent, close witness to the days before, during and after an unimaginable event. It was as though Tim invited me to be the fly on his walls, the ones that were closing in on him during a dark time.
Curtis Miller
We all take away different things from a book depending where we our in our life stages. For me it was...wanting to hug our teenage Son a little longer, listen a lot closer to what I often brush aside as trivial teenage angst
This book is so well written that it was hard to put it down. You feel like you are going through everything that this father went through. The sorrow, the guilt, but then the triumph that pulled him through.
MaryEllen Heffelfinger
Tim is donating 50% of his profits from the book sales to help others. The donations will go to the Victim Services Partnership of Lancaster, to help victims of crime in Lancaster, PA.
If you're feeling angry, losing hope, and questioning your purpose then you have come to the right place for help. Also-Me is here for you. You are not alone. How you feel is important and it does matter. If you want help, we want you to receive it. The goal is to help you make healthy choices that will enable you to flourish and lead a joy filled life. If you are lost, let Also-Me help get you back on track. You will find messages, tools, resources and places where you can go to for help. You HAVE A PURPOSE!
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Shawn Smucker is the author of eight books, including Dying Out Loud, How to Use a Runaway Truck Ramp, and Building a Life Out of Words. He loves helping people share their stories. Shawn lives in Holtwood, PA, with his wife and four children. Shawn is the co-author of Refuse to Drown.
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